Wednesday, March 26, 2014

ALL THREE POST ASSIGNMENTS: Final Post for Soft Slab Unit... Planning for Cylinder Unit


Post # 1 UNIT SOFT SLABS and Surface Design (texture, scrafitto, stenciling)

Show at least 2 images (quality) of your work drawing, inspiration or initial start… then show where completed work OR whatever the current state it is in.
Write Reflection on this
·      Discuss your idea what inspired you and why.
·      Discuss how this technique can be used to create various forms and function
·      Discuss your own success and failure through the process of experimenting, and then moving into planning preparing your more formal individual Self Directed work

Post #2 Planning for Unit: Cylinders- Technique #1 Carving and adding Handles
Find 3 images and Describe…Using the wheels above
·      2 examples of a basic cylinder FORM that have different FUNCTIONS
·      1 example of Carving on Ceramics….

Post #3: Planning Composition for Cylinder
Find a Motif that you would like to use for a pattern in a wrap around th form composition
Find typography that will be used to create a Monogram combined with a Symbol…
Post your Plan/Idea

See Mrs. Murrays Blog for example:

Note the second assignment in this unit will be to create the Altered Cylinder through pinching, darting and or paddling

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